Important Communication Information

Hello Everyone!

Because we have left for the field on January 1st, we wanted to let you how you can continue to stay in touch.

Please remember that there is a 14 hour time zone difference!

You can still reach me (James) on my cell phone number (470-278-7415). HOWEVER, this is no longer an active phone line so any texts and voice messages are forwarded to my email through Google Voice.

If you are receiving our text updates, you can also reach us by responding to that number, but please note that this also sends me an email so it may take a little bit to get back to you.

If you happen to use an iPhone, you can also send me an iMessage via my number in Japan: (+81 90 6458 7415). If you need to call, you can also do a FaceTime call (audio or video). Once again, before calling, please remember that there is a 14 hour time zone difference!

As usual, email is always a good way to get in touch:

If you would like to drop us something in the mail, our mailing address is: 951-8126 Niigata-ken Niigata-shi Chuou-ku Gakkoucho
dori 3 Ban-cho 5323-171 JAPAN

Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to continuing our correspondence with you while we are in Japan!

Yours for Japan,

James, Rosie, and Silas