Oden (2/11/2020)

On Sunday nights, we are going through a series on our Identity in Christ. The Bible says if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature. But that doesn’t prevent us from thinking things about ourselves that aren’t true. To illustrate, I used a cockroach (it’s a toy), and a lion (both pictured above). We were once like cockroaches, but have been made into more than conquerors through Christ. However, even though a Christian has been made into a lion, he can be tempted to think he is still a cockroach.

This past Sunday night, we also held an Oden event at the church. Oden is a common winter food in Japan. You can even get it at convenience stores. Common items in oden include boiled eggs, daikon (a large radish unique to Japan), fish cakes, seaweed and more.  Rosie and Rebelle Hill asked several ladies who occasionally come to help with the preparations. Additionally, a guy that I met last month also came. It was his first time going to church in his life! We had one of the highest numbers in attendance on a Sunday night!


There may not be words written in the sky, but they are in the air. See the news section for details

Oden we had after the Sunday night service


  • First-time visitor
  • Great turn out for the oden event 

Prayer Requests

  • Rosie’s Japanese studies
  • Hope Baptist Church and the Hill Family
  • First-time visitor to get saved
  • Ten Hundred Thousand Churches (details here)

From the News

In Japan, a strong form of communication is “reading the air.” This is how many of the people here communicate. Through subtle cues or shared understanding, people might say one thing but mean the opposite. Looking for some help with this? This article by the BBC may be fascinating to you.