November 2018 Prayer Letter

During October we were with 16 different churches in OH, IN, PA GA, KY, NC, and MS. The Lord has continued to bless our work to raise support, and we are encouraged by the number of churches that have decided to partner with us since our departure is less than two months away!

Additionally, we have been working on getting paperwork sorted for our departure. This past month we applied for and received Silas’ U.S. passport as well as our international driver’s licenses for when we land in Japan. Since Silas has dual citizenship, we are currently in the process of getting his Japanese passport. My (James’) parents have been a tremendous help in aiding us with paperwork in Japan, and they are currently helping us to get Rosie’s visa.

We have also begun to sort through our belongings. While we do not have much in our one-bedroom apartment, there is still much organizing to do as well as furniture that needs to be given away etc. As we sort through our possessions, we are continually reminded that many people have given toward our setup fund so we will be able to have a place to live when we get to Japan. Thank you so much!

For November, we are scheduled to be with 12 churches and will also be promoting the Our Generation Summit with fellow Vision Baptist missionaries Brady Van Winkle (to Turkey) and Kason Bloom (to Ecuador) at a special conference in Ohio. Please pray that we will be have a good turnout at the Our Generation Summit. For details about the Summit, please visit

Meanwhile in Japan, the Hill family (the missionaries we will be working under) have welcomed their third child into the world. They will also be launching the church on December 2nd! Please pray for them as they adjust to the new family life and start the church.


Yours for Japan,
The Miyashita Family


Click here for a printable version of the prayer letter.