May 2023 Prayer Letter

We are excited to let you now that we received the keys to our new location and that renovations are now underway.

Our realtor (a Christian who attends a church in a city south of Nagoya) has worked tirelessly on the details. The day our contract started, contractors were there first thing in the morning to start installing AC units and building walls. As the contractors work on building and renovating, we are working on details to make sure we can properly welcome visitors when we begin holding services.

Flyer design
Flyer announcing the church relocation and open house

If all goes according to plan, construction will finish at the end of May, and we will hold our first service in the new facility on June 4th with those who regularly come. On June 10th and 11th, we are scheduling an Open House during the
afternoons as a way for people to casually come by, see the new building and talk to us.

Our 3-month interns will be arriving shortly, and we are excited to welcome them to Japan for the summer. Please keep Carter, Caleb, and Isaiah in your prayers as they adjust just to living in Japan, learning Japanese, and working to meet new people to share the Gospel.

Additionally, we are hosting a mission trip June 12-23rd. We are excited to have another 4 people visiting us for about 10 days to see what is going on here and see what Japan is like.

Please continue to pray with us for 5 people to get saved and baptized this year!

Yours for Japan,

James Miyashita

Click here for a printable version of this prayer letter.