June 2022 Prayer Letter

Dear Pastors, Friends, and Faithful Supporters,

Over the last several months, we have been praying about a first-floor storefront location near our home to use for our second church location. Because we currently rent a space hourly with low visibility, we were hopeful that the storefront would be a good option.

First floor location we were looking into

When our realtor looked into the property for us, he advised us not to proceed based on
several factors including rent, deposit, and means of handling the paperwork. Though not the result we hoped for, we still believe there is much potential in this area. Please be praying that we can find a good first-floor property to use for ministry in this area.

In our last letter, we wrote about our friend, Yuuji, who had been coming around. For a while,
he started coming to church faithfully, and seemed to make a profession of faith. But shortly thereafter, he called to say that he couldn’t turn his back on his ancestors. We were sad to see how Satan continues to use traditional religions to bind people. We still keep in touch, but need you to continue praying with us for his salvation.

Passing out new tracts titled, “What is the purpose of life?” that are shaped like a phone

Several months ago, a gentleman named Mr. Toshikawa began coming on Wednesday nights.
He has been at church every Wednesday the doors are open but has yet to trust Christ. Please
also be praying for his salvation.

Sign on left: I will pray for you (free)
Sign on right: you can also send us a message online

I recently began a new way of trying to meet people in our city. Realizing that there are people whose job is to listen while people talk about their problems, I decided that we could listen AND pray. Holding up a sign that says “I will pray for you” I have been able to talk to
several folks on the street. Please pray for wisdom and that we can effectively minister to
people through this and reach them with the Gospel.

Yours for Japan,

James Miyashita

Click here for a printable version of this prayer letter.