Continuous Learning (2/25/2020)

During our first short term here in Japan, we have tried to be intentional about visiting another work about once every three months to learn what others are doing to spread the Gospel. Since this past weekend was a three day weekend and Rosie had Monday off, we visited another church to glean from their experiences. We also got to see a little bit of the city of Kyoto (the old capitol city of Japan). The architecture is very beautiful but a gloom reminder of how deep the roots of Japanese traditional religions are.

As we look forward to wrapping up February and beginning the month of March, our second son’s due date is now less than 4 weeks away! Please continue to pray for Rosie she finishes up her first year of language school while pregnant!

Additionally, we’re inviting folks to a sushi event this coming Sunday night at the first church plant as well as beginning a new series called “The Bible and my money” at the second church plant this coming Sunday. Prayers appreciated!


Did you lose something? Your chances of getting it back in Japan are high. See the news section.


  • Safe travels
  • Opportunities to learn from other ministries

Prayer Requests

  • Rosie’s Japanese studies
  • Final weeks of pregnancy
  • Hope Baptist Church and the Hill Family
  • New “Bible and my money” series starting this coming Sunday
  • Ten Hundred Thousand Churches (details here)

From the News

Reporting lost goods can be rewarding. In Japan, many items (even valuable items) get reported to lost and found. You might be surprised at how many items find their way back to their owners each year. This article discusses the lost and found system in Japan and what it looks like.