August 2023 Prayer Letter

At the top of August, we had two young men visit us for about 10 days to see Nagoya. Their stay coincided the end of our internship, allowing them a glimpse into what that looked like. Our three interns returned to the U.S. on August 17th so please be sure to pray for them as they seek the Lord’s direction in the upcoming days and months.

Our summer days continue here in Nagoya. While the interns were still with us, we were been able to add insulation underneath the steel roof of our new building because our Air conditioning was unable to keep up with the heat. Additionally, we applied a reflective film to the outside of the roof (like a windshield sunshade) to reflect the heat as well. All in all, things have definitely been much better inside.

As for the church, we have done a few small outreach events such as a shaved ice event which brought two teenagers from the local community. In August, we also held “Yukata Sunday” where people wore traditional Yukatas (like kimonos but thinner and made for the summer).

Because we wish to see more people engaged in the work and know what it is like in Japan, we are hosting three reconnaissance tours next year and we have already had two people apply for the spring tour. Because these tours are designed for people considering ministry, please pray that these trips will be a catalyst to raise up laborers. Click here for details.

Please also pray that we can see 5 people saved and baptized through our church plant this year. Please pray that God will work in hearts as they hear the Gospel!

Yours for Japan,

James Miyashita

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