A broken world (1/21/2020)

If we’ve learned anything over this past year, it has been that people are more likely to come to church through a personal invitation.

Don’t get us wrong, we have still been aggressively involved about inviting people to church through different platforms, but as we entered 2020, we are especially focusing on personal connections.

This past weekend, I (James) was able to meet 4 new guys between the ages of 23 and 30. Through conversation, I was once again reminded of how broken this world is. Two were currently living with their girlfriends, one had previously killed a person in a car accident, and one was already divorced.

It was exactly people like this who Jesus came to save from their sins. Please pray for us as we continue to connect with new people to share with them the hope we (and they!) can find in the Gospel. 


You will need a lumberjack to make this a bendy-straw. See the news section

Prayer Requests

  • Rosie’s Japanese studies
  • Hope Baptist Church and the Hill Family
  • New “Bible and my ____” series
  • Ten Hundred Thousand Churches (details here)

From the News

You probably never looked at a tree and thought about making it into a straw to sip lemonade. However, one company in Japan has done just that! Wooden straws are on the rise, and you can read about them in this piece. No chainsaw necessary.