Weekly Update (8/08/17)

Dear Pastors and Prayer Partners,

On Wednesday, we had the opportunity to be in North Carolina to present the work, and on Sunday, we were with two different churches in Georgia. We praise the Lord for His goodness! Over the past week, we have heard from two new churches that have voted to partner with us to take the Gospel back to Japan.
Last week, we also had the chance to be a part of a special training session hosted by our mission board. This training was to help us prepare for working with veteran missionaries once on the field, and we were very thankful for the opportunity to be a part of it. As our board always does, we look at what the Scripture says, and it was a very profitable time for us.
This week, I am teaching a course on Personal Management and Productivity at the Our Generation Training Center. There are many valuable resources and books that are of great benefit, but sometimes these resources can lack a Biblical emphasis on what the Lord would have us do with our lives and time. Please pray that this class will help these students to effectively steward their time for the Lord. Class began today, and I will be teaching until Thursday.


The summer often brings good times with friends and family, and nothing makes the time better than ice cream! What would you do if you had ice cream that didn’t melt? Check out the news section for more.


  • Safety traveling to meetings 
  • Two churches voted to start supporting


Prayer Requests:
  • Meetings for 2018
  • Class this week
From the News:
  • What would you do if you had ice cream that didn’t melt? How long would you hold on to it? A recent discovery in Japan has led to the development of melt-resistant ice cream. Be sure to read the article on our website!