October 2022 Prayer Letter

If we have learned anything over the last year, it is that this is the Lord’s work. While we labor, HE is the one who builds in and through our weakness.

While my (James’) knee is still injured, we have been able to continue core church activities. Thankfully, the pain has eased so driving is possible again, alleviating some of the extra load that Rosie has been having to bear. Although I continue to go to physical therapy 2-3 times a week, surgery is still a possibility according to the doctor.

In our last letter we wrote about Mr. Terao. He has been reading the New Testament we gave him and asking some questions. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to convict through the Word.

At the end of September, we hosted our second church BBQ. The main dish was Yakitori (chicken on a stick). A first-time visitor (a man in his thirties) came for church and stayed for the bbq. He is not saved, but seems curious and has been back since then.

Quick photo after the BBQ

Speaking of visitors, the Lord continues to send us people in spite of the current leg injury. One recent Sunday we had 6 first-time visitors show and set an attendance record: 17 people total. There were no events or anything, just a regular Sunday morning service. God is working in spite of our weakness.

Space does not permit me to tell of all the other things that are in motion and all the stories of what God is doing. Please be sure to listen to our podcast (click here) to get a quick sound bite of what is happening. You can find it by simply searching for “The Reaching Japan Podcast” on Google.

Yours for Japan,

James Miyashita

Click here for a printable version of this prayer letter.