October 2017 Prayer Letter

As we enter the last quarter of 2017, we are excited to report to you that we now have over a quarter of our needed support to go back to Japan! In September, we had the opportunity to be with 15 different churches, including 4 different missions conferences in GA, MS, NC, and SC. From Miami to Memphis, our travels took us all over the southeast, and we are thankful for the Lord’s protection and provision. 11 new churches sent in support to financially partner with us to take the Gospel back to Japan as well, bringing our support level to 27%! In October, we are scheduled to be with 15 different churches including two missions conferences and two churches in New York City. Please pray for us as we travel to these churches to present our burden for Japan.

Although we are scheduled to be at churches every Sunday and Wednesday between now and the beginning of April next year, the Lord continues to open doors for us to present in churches on other week nights. We are grateful that many churches are involved in missions even on week nights!

Please also be praying for the Our Generation Summit that will be held this coming December and January. The Our Generation Summit is hosted by Vision Baptist Missions to raise awareness about the great need for the gospel all around the world. Originally held in Gatlinburg, TN, the Summit moved to the Atlanta area last year. In addition to the Atlanta Summit, this year we will also be launching the Summit in the Northeast; this one will be held in Boston.  Since I have been asked to help lead music at these two events, please pray that everything will go smoothly as we prepare. Additionally, please pray that more young people will give their lives to spread the Gospel around the world, especially to Japan, as a result of the Summit.


Yours for Japan,

The Miyashita Family

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