November 2022 Prayer Letter

PLEASE NOTE: Our Mission Board’s address has changed. Please be sure to update your records when sending support.
Old Address -> Vision Baptist Missions PO Box 442 Alpharetta, GA 30009
New Address -> Vision Baptist Missions PO Box 647 Dawsonville, GA 30534

Wow. I think that is a fitting, one-word summary of this past month.

We held our first baby dedication service at our church plant and 22 people came. While we didn’t have any new visitors, we were excited to have people come back. The following Sunday, we had a few people out, but with visitors and all, there were still 20 present. With our auditorium space just over 300 sq. feet, we are praying for wisdom in how to proceed with the space we are in.

One of those who has been coming is a man named Mr. Terao. He had been coming to our 3-month guitar class which ended in October. He AND his wife have started coming recently on Sunday mornings. Please be praying that they get saved.

We also took a week off as a family to visit Okinawa, the southern islands of Japan. Traveling with three little ones is an adventure, but God also allowed us to get some much needed rest. The week after we got back, the swelling above my knee seemed to disappear. Since, my knee has continued to get better, but I am still needing to continue rehab for a full recovery. There is much to do, but since rest is also an act of faith (believing that God can work even while we rest), we were thankful for the chance to get away.

The Lord is doing a work here. We ask that you pray for people who have been hearing the Gospel to get saved. We also ask that you pray for those who are professing Christians to be emboldened in their witness. The church plant will need to see more people empowered and proactively living for the Lord for the work to continue to grow.

Other things like a second location, Christmas outreach, and youth group are in the works. I do not have the space to write about each in detail, but please be praying for these. This is the LORD’S work and we need HIS strength.

Yours for Japan,

James Miyashita

Click here for a printable version of this prayer letter.