Two years seems like a long time until you stop to look back. We’ve been here 2 years and two months now, and it’s about time for the next phase.
for prayer cards
Rosie took her final exams at the end of February and passed with flying colors (mostly upper 90’s on her tests) She has one final presentation and then a graduation ceremony on March 9th. Thank you for your continued prayers for her. She continues to absorb new idioms, phrases, and even makes jokes. I am blown away by her progress. Thank you to each of you who have financially and prayerfully made her studies possible. While learning the language is only part of the battle, it is a very big part, and each of you have had a hand in that.
During February, I visited Nagoya twice. In meeting with over 18 people who are in ministry positions, I spent a grand total of about 30 hours listening to what people on the front lines have to say about the city and the work there. I learned about the different needy areas and growing areas of Nagoya. Please continue to pray with us for the Lord’s direction as we pray about where in Nagoya to plant a church this fall/winter.
#StayHomeChurch event
The state of emergency that went into effect in early January is not completely lifted yet. While all areas except the Tokyo area are not technically in a state of emergency anymore, Aichi Prefecture (where Nagoya is) has declared its own state of emergency independent of the national government that will be extended through mid-March.
We will be leaving for the U.S. in mid-March. Before that time, we will be 1) streaming the stay home church online crusade (March 8-10), 2) packing for furlough, and 3) moving out of the house we currently live in. Please pray that God will use the streaming event to stir hearts for Christ. Please listen to our podcast for details:
There are a lot of details to handle for each of these items, so we are in the middle of an especially crazy season. Please pray for us to continue to rest in Jesus and keep our focus on Him during this time. We look forward to seeing many of you soon!
Yours for Japan,
James Miyashita