This past Sunday, we hosted a “Lunch and Learn” at the church after the morning service. In the past, we have held small lunch together events where everyone simply packs their own lunch, and we all eat after the morning service. This time, we decided to go a step further and have a small study afterward. The Lord has been bringing lost people to our services, so we took our learning time to cover the overall story of the Bible to help people understand the overall flow of the Bible and how Jesus fits into the big picture of the Bible.
Unfortunately, Silas was battling an ear infection and Amos was on the verge of getting one so Rosie wasn’t able to attend. She has been under the weather a bit as well but is slowly recovering. Thankfully, a couple people jumped in on Sunday to help so things went smoothly with the service and lunch and learn afterward. We would appreciate your continued prayers for health and wisdom and we work here in Nagoya!
Sometimes, you just gotta look for the silver lining. See the news section.
- Returning visitors (4 out of 6 from the previous week)
- Wisdom for the second location
- Church Growth
- Young Men to train for the ministry
There are ways that the government has celebrated with those who achieve a century of life by giving them a birthday cup. With the percentage of elderly increasing each year in Japan due to low birth rate, the government is having to change what it gives away. Read this article to learn about the special birthday present and find out what they are changing the silver gift to.