June 2023 Prayer Letter

This month, we moved into our new building and held our first services there. For the actual move on the first Saturday, 15 people showed up to help. With that many hands, the majority of the moving and setting up was completed in about 6 hours.

With 4 times as much space, it has been nice to have some room for people to stand around and talk after the service. Although the first Sunday we had air conditioning issues, the company that installed the units was able to get the issues resolved quickly. One person who comes faithfully to the church decided to purchase a new TV for the church to use for slides and we were able to get that installed in time for the church Open House.  

Our interns have been hard at work meeting people and learning Japanese. They were also a huge help with painting our new kids’ room and moving locations. It is hard to believe that they have already been in Japan for over 4 weeks. Please continue to keep them in your prayers as they spend the summer meeting people and telling them about Jesus.

At the end of May, I (James) was instated as a parole officer in our local community. Our district has 33 slots, and they allowed me to join this volunteer group to help those on parole get back on their feet in society. Being a part of this group has brought me into contact with leadership in the community we live in. Please be praying with us about a work in this area as God continues to keep us here in this community.

Please also continue praying for 5 people to get saved and baptized. We bought a pool and are on standby!

Yours for Japan,

James Miyashita

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