January 2018 Prayer Letter

The Lord provided many opportunities and brought many new changes during 2017. Perhaps the biggest change was getting married in April and adjusting to married life while doing deputation. The Lord has continued to provide for our new family  and we are excited to continue watching Him work in our lives as we travel to churches and present. With several exceptions, most of our travels were in the Southeast, yet we still drove over 65,000 miles during 2017. The Lord protected us and with the exception of one minor deer accident, we did not have any accidents at all.

In December, we had the opportunity to present in 13 different churches in AL, GA, FL, MS, and NC. One of our meetings that was scheduled had to cancel, but the Lord graciously provided another in its place. On Christmas Eve Sunday night, we also had the opportunity to be at our home church to be part of their international candle light service as they celebrated 7 different ethnicities that are in the church. Additionally, 7 new churches sent in support during December. This means we are now around 38% of our needed support! Thank you for your prayers.

During the last week in December, we also had the chance to be part of the Our Generation Summit in Atlanta. This was not only an encouraging time for us, but also a time that challenged young people to surrender their lives for world evangelism. Please pray that the Lord would continue to work in the lives of those who attended.

For January, we are scheduled to present at 15 different churches. The Lord has also given us a very full calendar for 2018 and we are currently scheduled to present in a total of 169 churches during 2018. Please pray that the Lord will open up  doors for us to be able to present during the first quarter of 2019 as well. Since we would like to be back in Japan around this time, we still have openings left that need to be filled in 2019.

Our friends Will and Rebelle Hill are currently in the United States for a short furlough. We are excited to be able to see them since we plan to work under them for our first term of language learning. If you would be interested in having them come and speak at your church, please feel free to contact Will Hill by email at will2japan@gmail.com.


Yours for Japan,
The Miyashita Family

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