The summer heat is definitely going into high gear here in Nagoya. Because of the metal roof at the new church building, our Air conditioner had been struggling to keep the entire place cool with the beaming sun and 100 degree weather. With the help of our interns, we were able to get insulation hung under the roof. While people were previously starting to sweat when the service was over, some felt cold during the service for the first time!
We are continualy reminded that God continues to use even the smallest of things in the long term. When we did our special christmas service last year, only two people came and we said we would never do it again. However, both people have since been back to the church and one of the two has been coming to church recently as well as attending our online Bible study.
After the invitation, she told Rosie that she wasn’t able to raise her hand yet, because she isn’t sure if there is ONLY one God yet. However, she continues to come and listen. Please continue to pray the the Holy Spirit will convict and guide!
If it’s hot, you need a jacket. See the news section.

- Church insulation installed without problems
- people continuing to hear the Gospel

- Young Men to train for the ministry
- Summer Outreach Activities
- Church Growth
- Place to use for second church plant
- Intern safety
- 5 people to get saved and baptized this year

Even in the heat and humidity, construction projects continue. One way these workers are working to beat the heat is to wear jackets with built-in fans. To see the design and learn how they work, check out this article. Would you buy one?