This past weekend was the first three-day holiday of the year here in Japan. With schools being off for Winter break at the top of January and then a three-day weekend things have definitely not been in steady routine here but we are now starting to get back into a normal routine . This past Monday was “Coming of Age Day” in Japan which is a time where young adults celebrate becoming twenty years old. Please continue to pray for us as we work here in Nagoya as well as prepare for the new addition to our family at the top of February!
Japan’s coming of age ceremony – in pictures
- Our church is up and going!
- Thankful for opportunities to study the bible with the people around us
- For Rosie to have a healthy pregnancy
- For the church to continue to grow
- For opportunities for more bible studies
Coming of age day is a Japanese holiday held every January to celebrate those who have reached 20, the official age of adulthood in Japan. Click here to learn more.