December 2022 Prayer Letter

About once a month, we host a “Lunch and learn” at the church. Everyone brings a lunch, we eat together after the service, and then we have a Q&A and study a topic from the Bible. During this time, one man asked, “What does it mean to believe in Jesus?” I don’t think I could have asked a better question! We plan to have Lunch and Learn more frequently in the coming months. We also baked sweet potatoes afterward.

At the top of December, Rosie hosted a ladies’ Christmas tea at the church. She shared the Christmas story (and by extension the Gospel) with the 5 ladies in attendance (including 2 first-time visitors).

In looking to start another location on the south side of town, we were approved to rent a promising facility. Our realtor was working hard to ensure there would be no hindrances to ministry in the contract, but the other real estate company came back with some clauses that would hinder open ministry. We have decided to look for a different place and ask you to pray
with us for wisdom as we search for and trust God to provide a better location.

Our first church plant needs a new location as well because the current space is beginning to hinder growth. We recently contacted the community center close by to see if we could use a room there. We scheduled a time to check out the space, but I received a call the day before saying they would not permit their space to be used for religious purposes. Please pray that the Lord will open doors as we look for a more spacious place to meet.

On a personal note, our 10-month-old son Ezra has started walking. He seems to adore Amos, our second son. Just earlier this morning, we looked up to see them holding hands as they walked around the house together.

We appreciate your prayers and support. Thank you for coming alongside us and enabling us to minister in Japan.

Yours for Japan,

James Miyashita

P.S. We have a special ministry opportunity for next summer. The details are here:

If you are able, could you post this info to your church bulletin board?

Click here for a printable version of this prayer letter.