April 2021 Prayer Letter


The past month has brought about many changes to our family life and ministry, and we would like to share some of those with you.

Rosie’s Graduation

First, allow us to give you a brief update about the Stay Home Church event that we did last month. For three days we streamed services specifically targeting lost people. We are excited about this specific project because not only was the gospel preached live, but the recording is also available for others to watch at a later time. One family we had just met a few weeks prior, said they watched all three nights. We are excited that they got to hear the gospel.

T­­­­­­­­he following week Rosie officially graduated from language school, and we began moving out of our house. Since we are going to be moving to another city, our belongings in Japan are currently in temporary storage until we have returned and found a house in Nagoya.

On the train to Tokyo

­On March 14th, the Hill family had a farewell party for us at the church. The following day, we boarded an airplane to the United States and landed in Atlanta. After staying with Rosie’s parents for several days we moved into an apartment that we rented near Vision Baptist Church (about 10 minutes away). It was our first time traveling internationally with both kids, so it definitely had some unforeseen challenges. However, we are glad to be over jet lag and getting a more normal day-to-day rhythm.

We love many things about our home church, but one of them is that they allow missionaries who are home on furlough to plug into the ministry. During our short 5-month furlough, I (James) have been asked to help with a number of tasks at the church and mission board. Please pray as we begin traveling and reporting to churches that God will continue to send laborers for the harvest in Japan!

Yours for Japan,

James Miyashita

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